5 Daily Habits for a Positive Mindset
5 Daily Habits for a Positive Mindset
In a world where there is so much negativity and uncertainty, it can be a constant struggle to keep a positive mindset. But it’s so important to your health and wellbeing to try.
The good news is that living with a positive mindset is a choice. You can choose (regardless of what’s going on around you) to live your life your way. With a positive mindset you can live a life of happiness, confidence and inner peace.
It’s not about having everything and living a perfect life; it’s about appreciating what you do have and living your best life.
Above all, by creating daily habits for a positive mindset you are not allowing the actions and opinions of others affect you and your wellbeing.
Remember, life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful!
What is a Mindset?
Before we talk about the daily habits to create for a positive mindset, let’s first have a look at what a mindset is.
Your mindset is the sum your inner beliefs; how you think about yourself and the world as a whole. It influences your attitude and behaviours. While much of your mindset has largely been shaped by your life experiences and subconscious thoughts, you have the power to consciously reshape it. You can choose to create your mindset consciously, or you can allow your experiences and subconscious beliefs to dictate your thoughts.
What is a Positive Mindset?
Throughout our lives, external influences have shaped our beliefs and mindsets. For instance, if you’ve been told often enough that life isn’t fair, that’s what you will believe. That belief then creates a negative mindset; that no matter how hard you try, your life is dictated by circumstances outside of your control and limited to what others allow.
But if you consciously challenge that belief, you can replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. You can open yourself to unlimited possibilities.
Research in Neuroscience confirms that the mind is a magnet. If you think negative thoughts and have a negative mindset, your reaction to things that happen during a normal day will be negative. But if you deliberately think with a positive mindset, your reaction to those same moments will be different. You treat each moment as an opportunity to choose your reaction.
Let’s say you get caught in peak-hour traffic. A negative mindset will have you reacting with anger and frustration, even though you know there is nothing you can do about it. Whereas if you accept the situation, knowing that it’s out of your hands, you can consciously choose your attitude. Make the most of a bad situation and sing along to the radio. You choose your reaction and change your mindset.
It’s amazing how it works but by mindfully choosing your reaction, those negative moments become less and less. Soon enough they are replaced with more positive moments in your daily life. Over time, your positive mindset becomes a habit.
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The Power of Positive Thinking, Mindfulness and Habits
A positive mindset is powerful and life-changing. But the mindset is primarily subconscious thought and the subconscious mind is stubborn.
Generally, our subconscious is where 95% of our daily thoughts and actions originate. I’ll say that again – 95% of what we think and do each and every day, we do on autopilot, and this is where the challenge lies.
It takes mindfulness to help you create habits for a positive mindset. Not only to change how you think, behave and react to life, but to have deliberate, conscious thoughts and actions.
Eventually, those conscious thoughts and behaviours become habits, but habits take time to form. Consequently, if you don’t stay deliberately conscious in thoughts and actions, you’ll fall back into old subconscious habits.
To change a thought and behaviour, you need to practice it daily, just like eating and sleeping. Only then will it become a habit.
So, what daily habits will help you create a positive mindset?

5 Daily Habits To Create a Positive Mindset
Here are our 5 daily habits for a positive mindset.
1. Let It Go!
We touched on this earlier, those day-to-day things that happen out of your control. Things such as rain drenching the dry washing before you can get it off the line. Someone cutting you off in traffic or jumping the queue in front of you. Even the disappointment of your favourite sports team losing can affect your mood.
These are all things that can turn a good mood into a crabby one. When something out of your control happens and you find yourself being drawn into a negative reaction it’s crucial to choose your reaction.
Let It Go!
Make a conscious decision to not let it affect your mood. Choose your reaction (or non-reaction in some cases) and watch what happens. As you let go of the anger and frustration, the tension leaves your body replaced with an inner peace.
It’s empowering to know that you, and only you, choose your attitude. You are no longer reacting to life; you are proactively choosing your life.
Use that unspent energy to concentrate on the things you can control.
2. Positive Affirmations
We’ve all heard of affirmations and the effect they can have on the mindset. They are more than just feel-good words spoken to lift the spirits. Scientific studies have proven that affirmations have the power to reprogram the subconscious mind and inner beliefs. They are integral in creating a positive mindset.
For positive affirmations to be effective you need to remember these 3 key elements:
- Use the present tense – say it as if it is! Use ‘I am’, not ‘I will’ or ‘I’m going to’. The brain doesn’t distinguish between past and present tense. If you say ‘I don’t want to fail’ the brain only knows the word fail. You need to rephrase this to something like ‘I am successful’
- Use positive words – say ‘I am outgoing’, instead of ‘I’m not shy’. Say ‘I have plenty’, instead of ‘I don’t have enough’ or ‘I want more’. Once again, the brain doesn’t distinguish between what you don’t want and what you do want. It only knows what you are concentrating on.
- Believe it from the heart – It’s not enough to just speak the words, the brain needs to believe what you are saying. You need to speak the words as if it already exists. You need to feel the emotion of already having it.
Do you want joy & happiness, better health, or to be more successful? You can introduce positive affirmations to your day to help you achieve whatever you want.
Some ways to practice daily affirmations are:
- Practice mirror work – Stand in front of a mirror and repeat your affirmations every morning and/or evening. For more on Mirror Work check out this book by Louise Hay
- Place post-it notes around the house
- Write your affirmations down every day
- Practice affirmations in meditation
3. Daily Gratitude
Daily gratitude is essential for a positive mindset. It is scientifically proven that being grateful has a positive effect on your mental, physical, and social wellbeing.
Studies show that people who are grateful feel less pain, have less stress, have stronger immune systems, experience healthier relationships, and are overall healthier.
Daily gratitude trains your brain to look for the positive and happy moments in life, instead of only recognising the negative.
So instead of dwelling on something you don’t have, be grateful for what you do have.
Instead of wishing for more good in your life, be grateful for the good you already have. The love of your family, the nature outside your window, the unconditional love of a pet, or the roof over your head. The sun that shines, or the rain that waters the plants. As you find things to be grateful for, the easier it becomes.
It’s amazing how a grateful attitude can help you to see how wonderful life really is!
Here are a couple of ways you can practice daily gratitude:
- Use a Gratitude Journal
Start with “I am grateful for …” and write down 5 things you are grateful for every day. This is a great way to get started because you can revisit your journal any time you feel like you’re slipping into a negative vibe. It reminds you of what is positive in your life.
- Guided Gratitude Meditation
Take 5 minutes at the end of your day to practice a guided gratitude meditation. Your mind and body relax, and you fall asleep with positive, grateful thoughts. Gratitude meditation before bed is scientifically proven to improve sleep.
Or if you prefer, you can use a guided gratitude meditation first thing in the morning to help you manifest a positive mindset to start your day
4. Meditate
Meditation is a practice that is increasingly popular as more people realise the health benefits of daily meditation. It is a mindful exercise that involves relaxation, focus and awareness. In meditation your mind finds a quiet, peaceful place without the chatter of your thoughts and the worries of past or future. It allows you to just be in the present in a peaceful moment.
This practice is used by high-achieving athletes, successful CEOs such as Bill Gates, and celebrities such as Will Smith to help them cope with the highly stressful and competitive world they live in.
Scientific studies associate meditation with benefits such as;
- Stress Reduction, including lowering of blood pressure
- Anxiety Control
- Enhances Self-Awareness
- Better Sleep
- Improved Kindness and Happiness
- Improved Attention Span
How to Meditate – Mindful is an article I found interesting and useful in understanding the benefits of meditation. It also has a guide on how to meditate in different ways.
Also, if you want help or want to use a guided meditation, there are meditation apps available.
I use ‘Meditation Moments’ for my Guided Positive Affirmations, Gratitudes, and Meditations every day.
5. Exercise
A daily exercise routine is something everyone should have.
Exercise not only has physical benefits but also reduces stress, anxiety and can help improve sleep.
When you exercise you stimulate the “happy” chemicals in your brain. The most well-known of the happy chemicals are Endorphins which reduce pain and increase euphoria. Another is Dopamine which when released gives you a sense of completion and happiness. Not to forget Serotonin, which is well-known for its effect as a mood booster.
It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do. Go for a walk, do yoga at home or go to the gym. Just make sure you do something that makes you feel good. Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day.
Ready to Create Your Daily Habits for a Positive Mindset?
No matter where you are or what is going on in your life, remember that you have a choice. You can choose to keep your negative mindset, allowing external influences to control your life. Or you can choose a positive mindset and create YOUR life YOUR way.
You can change your thoughts and change your world. So, stay conscious of your thoughts and shift negative thoughts to positive ones. Believe in yourself and the power you have to live the life you want.
Create your daily habits for a positive mindset!
And to help you we have an amazing tool. Our Habit Tracker is a free digital download to keep you on track in creating your new habits.
“The Man who says he can, and the man who says he can not.. Are both correct” – Confucius
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